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What is Ayahuasca?

The plant psychoactive ayahuasca (pronounced “eye-ah-WAH-ska”) is known as an entheogen. When taking psychedelics a person’s thinking, sense of time and emotions are altered. They have the potential to induce hallucinations, in which a person perceives or hears things that do not exist or are distorted.

Although other plants may be used in the decoction for other traditional reasons, the Banisteriopsis caapi vine and the leaves of the Psychotria Viridis shrub are the primary ingredients in the decoction.

1 DMT is the primary active ingredient in ayahuasca (dimethyltryptamine).

2 There are additional inhibitors of monoamine oxidase (MAOIs).

Religious ceremonies and therapeutic uses of ayahuasca have been used for millennia by indigenous groups in present-day Peru, Brazil, Colombia, and Ecuador.

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What does it look like?

Brown-reddish in colour, ayahuasca has a distinct flavour and aroma.

Other Names

Huasca, yagé, Kamarampi, Huni, brew, daime, the tea, la purga

How is it Used?

Ayahuasca is a liquid that is ingested.

Effects of Ayahuasca

Using drugs is never safe at any dose. There is always some danger associated with using any medicine. When taking any kind of drug, it’s necessary to be cautious.

The effects of ayahuasca vary based on factors such as:

  • size, weight and health
  • whether the person is used to taking it
  • whether other drugs are taken around the same time
  • the amount taken
  • the strength of the decoction (varies from batch to batch)
  • environment (where the drug is taken).

Ayahuasca’s effects can last anywhere from four to six hours and include:

  • nausea and vomiting (induced by drinking the decoction)*
  • diarrhoea*
  • euphoria
  • feelings of connection and unity
  • introspection
  • intense visual and auditory hallucinations
  • experiencing powerful emotions
  • anxiety
  • panic and fear
  • a moderate increase in blood pressure and heart rate
  • increased body temperature.1, 3

For some, the effects of ayahuasca can be seen as a cleaning or purging process that is an essential part of their spiritual or healing path. 1

Set and Setting

People’s mood (commonly referred to as their “set”) and the surroundings in which they are taking ayahuasca can have a significant impact on the effects of the drug.

Setting: an individual’s state of mind, previous experiences with psychoactive drugs, and anticipation of what’s to come.

4 Pre-ayahuasca worry or fear might be exacerbated, resulting in an unpleasant experience. For example.
Ayahuasca consumption takes place in a variety of settings, including a known and familiar one, a new and unfamiliar one, an indoor or outdoor one, and the sort of music and light.
4 For example, consuming ayahuasca in a peaceful, quiet, and relaxed environment can lead to a positive experience, whereas using it in a packed, noisy environment can result in a bad one.

Bad trips

Taking psychedelics can lead to unpleasant or even dangerous experiences for some people. **Experiences such as this can be included.

hallucinations that are terrifying or confronting
Anxiety and bewilderment are at an all-time high.
apprehension and paranoia1
Instead of being viewed as purely bad in the context of a traditional or ceremonial framework these experiences may be perceived as lessons and part of a spiritual or therapeutic journey.


Long-term effects

As far as we can tell, ayahuasca has no adverse effects on the human body. 1 Long-term ayahuasca use is not related to cognitive impairment or unfavourable mental health effects, according to current research. 3, 5, and 6

Tolerance and Dependence

Tolerance does not appear to develop with repeated use of ayahuasca, and reliance appears to be a very remote possibility. 7

Mixing ayahuasca with Other Drugs

Other substances, such as over-the-counter or prescribed pharmaceuticals, might have unpredictable and severe consequences when used with ayahuasca.

Mixed with other substances that impact serotonin, such as MDMA, or antidepressants, such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), ayahuasca + MDMA or antidepressants might be harmful due to the presence of MAOI.

Polydrug usage refers to the consumption of more than one drug or type of drug at the same time.

Health and Safety

There is no safe way to use psychedelic drugs, including ayahuasca.

If you do decide to take ayahuasca, it’s important to consider the following.

  • It is difficult to predict the strength and effects of ayahuasca. People can have very different experiences taking the same drug on different occasions.
  • People with mental health conditions or a family history of these conditions should avoid using ayahuasca.
  • Sometimes other drugs may be sold claiming to be ayahuasca that isn’t.
  • Taking ayahuasca in an environment and with people where you feel safe may alleviate unpleasant emotional effects.

The use of ayahuasca is likely to be more dangerous when:

  • taken in combination with alcohol or other drugs
  • driving or operating heavy machinery
  • judgement or motor coordination is required
  • alone (in case medical assistance is required)
  • the person has mental health issues.

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Getting Help

If your use of ayahuasca is affecting your health, family, relationships, work, school, financial or other life situations, or you’re concerned about a loved one, you can find help and support.

Call our DrugInfo line on 1300 85 85 84 for confidential and non-judgmental information and advice.

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