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Is John Ramsey Still Alive or Dead?

John Bennett Ramsey is a well-known American entrepreneur and author. He was born on December 7, 1943, in Lincoln, Nebraska, United States, to Mary Jane and James Dudley “Jay” Ramsey, who was a decorated World War II pilot. John’s father served in the United States Air Force.

He received his high school education from Okemos High School in Michigan, and four years later, he received his bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from Michigan State University (MSU). In addition, Ramsey graduated from Michigan State University in 1971 with a master’s degree in business administration.

After that, in 1966, he enlisted in the Navy, where he worked as an officer in the Civil Engineer Corps for a total of three years while stationed in the Philippines. After that, he served in a reserve unit in Atlanta for an additional eight years.

Is John Ramsey Still Alive or Dead

In 1989, Ramsey established the Advanced Product Group, which later became one of the three firms that constituted Access Graphics once they merged together. After that, he was promoted to the position of president and chief executive officer at Access Graphics, a division of Lockheed Martin that specializes in providing computer services.

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Is John Ramsey Still Living Or Has He Already Passed Away?

There is yet hope for John Ramsey. He is currently 78 years old and resides in Michigan in the United States with his third wife, Jan Rousseaux. They have three children together.

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