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Myles Garrett Was Released From the Hospital After His Automobile Flipped in an Incident

Cleveland Browns All-Pro defensive end Myles Garrett was released from the hospital on Monday after flipping his Porsche in a one-car accident following a practice. Garrett sustained “non-life-threatening injuries” in the collision, which occurred on a rural road just hours after the team’s practice. Nicole Lynn, his representative, informed ESPN that her client did not break any bones in the crash.

CeeDee Lamb makes an incredible catch for the game-winning touchdown. CeeDee Lamb’s amazing one-handed catch secures the Cowboys’ victory over the Giants. Lynn stated on Twitter that Garrett has been “awake and responsive” while undergoing medical treatment.

Lynn thanked medical staff on behalf of Garrett’s family for removing the 26-year-old and an unidentified female passenger from his vehicle and delivering him to the hospital. Around 3 p.m., the Ohio State Highway Patrol responded to a rollover crash. When troopers arrived, they discovered a grey Porsche 911 Turbo S with rollover damage on the right side of the road.

Myles Garrett

The crash is still being investigated, but “impairment from alcohol/or drugs is not suspected,” according to the highway patrol. Garrett and his companion were both wearing seat belts. Garrett and his teammates returned to practice Monday at the team’s headquarters in Berea, Ohio, after a long weekend after their Thursday night home triumph against the Pittsburgh Steelers.

Garrett had returned to the locker room after the morning practice. The accident has not yet determined whether Garrett’s playing status for Sunday’s game in Atlanta would be affected. Garrett only needs one sack to become the team’s all-time sack leader. He was limited to two assisted tackles in the Steelers’ win on Thursday. Last week, he missed one session due to an unexplained neck injury.

Garrett, one of the NFL’s most dominant players, was chosen first overall by Cleveland in 2017. Last season, he set a team single-season record with 16 sacks, and he has 61.5 sacks in 71 games…. since you’re visiting us from India today, we have a small favor to ask. Since we began publishing 200 years ago, tens of millions of people have placed their trust in the Guardian’s fearless journalism, turning to us in times of crisis, uncertainty, solidarity, and hope. More than 1.5 million people from 180 countries now financially support us, allowing us to remain open to all and fiercely independent.

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