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When It Comes to Queen Latifah’s Contracts, Why is There a “No Death” Clause?
“Queen Latifah’s contracts” includes a “no death clause” that guarantees their on-screen persona will never be killed off. Star of Netflix’s “End of the Road” Queen Latifah recently appeared on “The Drew Barrymore Show,” where she discussed the “no death clause” in her acting contracts.
There is Now a Disclaimer Concerning the ‘no Death’ Provision
When Queen Latifah agrees to participate in new projects, she demands a “no death clause” to guarantee that the fictional version of herself appearing on film will not die at any point throughout the narrative.
Since the late 1980s, when she initially came to public attention as a rapper, the actress has carved out an excellent career in the film business in Hollywood. Nevertheless, Latifah revealed that she had a “no death provision” placed into her contracts during a recent interview on The Drew Barrymore Show. This eliminates the possibility that she may meet the same tragic end in a film or television show as she did so regularly in her earlier appearances.
She made light of the situation by stating something to the effect of, “You know, what happened at the beginning of my career…my characters died in the movies, and I died my a*s off,” or something along those lines. I thought, “Wait a minute, if I keep getting killed off in these movies, I won’t be able to create a sequel.” So I thought to myself, “Wait a minute.”
After being sick and tired of being treated as if she were disposable, she then offered the following piece of advice to her coworkers: “Yo, we should include a clause in my contracts that says there won’t be any fatalities, and I want you to help me with that. After that, we threw it in there without any thought.”
After that, she continued, “I was like, ‘No more dying. No more taking the risk of getting shot at by three hundred bullets while driving in this vehicle.” Read more: Are Toni Braxton and Birdman Still Together?
Latifah has stated that she does not adhere to the same standards as other celebrities regarding revealing her body on film, and she has not pursued “no nudity” stipulations in her contracts as those other celebrities have. Latifah said that she does not adhere to the same standards as other celebrities regarding revealing her body on film.
“In response, I stated that you are free to reveal whatever private aspects of my body that you see appropriate. This is my butt, functioning exactly as it should.” The leading lady from Chicago displayed a grin. Read more: Patrick Teichert Heart Attack: Is He Suffering from Serious Disease?
End of the Road is the title of Latifah’s latest film, which can be viewed on Netflix. Latifah, whose real name is Dana Elaine Owens, has recently been doing a lot of advertising for the film.
Drew Barrymore was privy to the information that Queen Latifah’s contract had a “no death clause.” This was something that the two women discussed. The creator said she is sick and tired of seeing her characters perish in movies and television programs. “I was like, ‘No more dying. No longer will I expose myself to the danger of being shot by one of these automobile’s three hundred distinct shots,’ “Was mentioned by Latifah.
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