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Editorial Policy
The submission must adhere to the journal’s guidelines for manuscript preparation and be free of grammatical errors. Manuscripts that do not adhere to the author’s standards or do not show that they can effectively use the English language will not be accepted for comprehensive external peer review and will not be published.
It is encouraged that non-native English speakers use language editing services to have their manuscripts proofread for grammar, content clarity, formatting, punctuation, and spelling by native language experts before submission.
The authors affirm that the submission is appropriate for the journal’s scope, has never been published before, even in part, and is not currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. They also state that it was prepared in accordance with the journal’s publishing ethics, was approved by all co-authors, complies with the journal’s author guidelines for stylistic, bibliographic, and other requirements.
Before being distributed to peers for assessment, incoming submissions are first reviewed by the editors. Editors now have the option of rejecting the piece outright or returning it to the authors for revisions. At any time during peer review, editors have the right to select additional reviewers, ask authors for minor or significant adjustments, or make a final determination regarding an article. Each manuscript is given a distinct ID by the submission system, and this number should be mentioned whenever corresponding with editorial or support staff.
Research pieces, review articles, book reviews, interviews, and editorials can all be submitted to the journal.