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A Brownsville Man Enters a Guilty Plea to Moving Individuals Who Were Confined in a Trailer

According to U.S. Attorney Jennifer B. Lowery, a 40-year-old Brownsville resident has acknowledged to bringing illegal aliens into the country. On June 30, Gaston Perez approached the Javier Vega Border Patrol (BP) checkpoint in Sarita in a truck towing an RV. A K-9 then promptly alerted police to the RV. A closer look reveals people locked in the travel trailer’s back.

The slide-outs were sucked in and lacked the strength to extend them, making it impossible for them to leave on their own. Jumper wires were utilized by the authorities to turn on the slide-outs and restart the RV’s battery. Five persons, including two inside a bed, were found in the trailer’s back. The front of the RV was where three more people were found.

Police scanned the travel trailer with a backscatter device and discovered two anomalies inside a wooden entertainment console. Two more people were caught sweating a lot after they removed a television. Ten unauthorized people were discovered inside the RV in total. As one of them exited the trailer, she reported to the authorities that she felt like she was going to pass out.

On February 15, 2023, U.S. District Judge Nelva Gonzales Ramos will sentence the offender. Perez could be sentenced to up to five years in jail and a maximum fine of $250,000. Until that hearing, Perez was permitted to continue being free on bond. The inquiry was carried out by BP and Homeland Security Investigations. Liesel Roscher and J. Parker Gochenour are the case’s assistant US attorneys.

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