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Rhonj Alumnus Jim Marchese, Amber Marchese’s Husband, is Accused of Withholding College Funds from Their Son James Because He is Gay

The openly homosexual son of Jim Marchese, who is the spouse of former Real Housewives of New Jersey star Amber Marchese, has accused his father of not assisting him with his college tuition because he disapproves of his son’s sexuality. This accusation was made by James Marchese.

Rhonj Alum Amber Marchese’s Husband Jim Accused Of Withholding College Money From His Son James Because He’s Gay

According to a report that was initially published by the news organization Instinct, on June 15 James, who is Jim’s son from a relationship that took place before he married Amber, launched a GoFundMe page in which he asked for contributions to pay for his college tuition.

James claims that his father, who is 50 years old, subjected him to “two weeks of mental abuse” after finding out that he is gay last year. As a result, James was forced to move out of the home that Jim and Amber, who has also been seen on Marriage Boot Camp, share together. Jim and Amber have also been married.

The most recent information is that Jim Marchese, 50, the husband of former Real Housewives of New Jersey star Amber Marchese, 41, has been accused by his openly gay son James of not helping him with his college tuition because he disapproves of his sexuality. However, Jim Marchese denies the claims, saying that he does not like the choice of school that his son is attending.

The most recent information is that Jim Marchese, 50, the husband of former Real Housewives of New Jersey star Amber Marchese, 41, has been accused by his openly gay son James of not helping him with his college tuition because he disapproves of his sexuality. However, Jim Marchese denies the claims, saying that he does not like the choice of school that his son is attending.

Rhonj Alumnus Jim Marchese, Amber Marchese's Spouse, is Accused of Withholding College Funds from Their Son James Because He is Gay

James stated that ever since this time, his father has been gradually cutting relations with him in order to force him to “live according to his standards.” ‘ For all intents and purposes, this meant – and continues to mean – that I needed to seem “straight” and date women while “admitting” that I decided to be homosexual in order to obtain anything from my mother as a result of my sexual orientation.

My father believes that in order for me to be good enough to receive any financial support with schooling, I need to live in his home and follow the lifestyle that he considers to be ideal. Because of this, he has refused to help pay for any of my education.

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