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Sex Bias Against Men Is Being Investigated At Stanford University

The Office of Civil Rights (OCR) of the Department of Education is looking into Stanford University for discriminating against men. The prestigious school offers a number of initiatives to support women but no equivalents for males claims the complaint submitted to the OCR. The Stanford women’s programs are simply the most recent in a long line of women’s initiatives at universities that have come under fire for breaking laws that forbid sex discrimination.

The allegations were made against Stanford by James Moore, an emeritus professor at the University of Southern California (USC), and Stanford alumni named Kursat Pekgoz, CEO of the Turkish real estate firm Doruk. When Pekgoz was a graduate student at USC, the two connected.

The two contend that the Stanford programs are in violation of Title IX of the Civil Rights Act, which forbids sexism in educational settings that receive government funding, and covers nearly all American schools and institutions.

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Moore and Pekgoz’s initial lawsuit against Stanford included allegations about 27 Stanford programs they claimed had violated Title IX. The Stanford Society of Women Engineers, Stanford Women in Business, Stanford Women in Law, Stanford Women in Design, and the Gabilan Provost’s Discretionary Fund are the five of these programs that the Office of Civil Rights has formally initiated an investigation into this month.

The four organizations, according to Pekgoz and Moore, are unlawful because they are named in a way that implies they exclude males, have only female members, and Stanford does not provide similar support services for men.

Their issue with the provost’s fund is that it favors the hiring and retention of female professors in the sciences and engineering but not male faculty. Inquiries about the claims were sent to Stanford University, but they received no response.

The case contends that because women now outnumber males in college programs, the programs assisting women are out of date. Since the middle of the 1980s, women in the US have acquired more bachelor’s degrees than men.

Academically, women perform better than males, achieving higher GPAs in high school and college. There is evidence that women achieve higher grades than males do, even in STEM disciplines where men predominate. In terms of graduate school, women now outnumber men in both law and medical schools as of 2016.

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But women are still underrepresented in well-paying professions like management, computer science, and engineering. Only 20% of undergraduate engineering degrees and 22% of computer science degrees go to women. And only 38% of applications to full-time MBA schools in 2018 were from women.

Leaving legality aside, experts disagree on the advantages of programs exclusively for women. Positively, the organizations give women the chance to create support systems and talk about potentially delicate issues that can be exclusive to women.

Engaging with other women may also strengthen one’s sense of belonging in the profession, and financing specifically for women can aid in boosting female representation in fields where it has historically been low. However, some evidence suggests that there are drawbacks to these programs.

 Some claim they support prejudices about the differences between men and women and continue to marginalize women. Pekgoz has filed numerous other Title IX complaints in addition to the one against Stanford’s programs, and she recently forced the University of California, Santa Cruz to allow both male and female STEM students to apply for the Marilyn C. Davis Scholarship. Prior to his allegation, only female applicants were considered for the scholarship.

A lot of time and effort is being put forward by other people to end university programs that favor women but exclude men. Mark Perry, a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and an emeritus professor at the University of Michigan’s Flint campus, has filed over 600 complaints against universities for gender discrimination against men.

The universities that award Clare Boothe Luce (CBL) Scholarships are his most recent target. More than $217 million has been given by the CBL program to promote female undergraduate, graduate, and faculty members in STEM areas.

The CBL scholarship is not governed by Title IX laws because it is privately sponsored. The charity does not, however, actively award scholarships to female students. Instead, it funds colleges with grants, and those institutions then manage the scholarships. This is where the Title IX issue manifests itself, according to Perry.

“I have filed federal civil rights complaints against more than 20 colleges and universities that accepted CBL funding to offer unlawful, female-only professorships, fellowships, and CBL programs for women in STEM. I have been focusing on these institutions specifically.

The Office for Civil Rights has so far initiated federal civil rights investigations into ten of those complaints, and I’ll be legally contesting each new CBL grant by filing Title IX complaints with the OCR. The fact that so many colleges and institutions take CBL funding that entails them engaging in unlawful sex discrimination as a condition of receiving that cash is somewhat of a national scandal “Perry emailed a letter. Requests for a response from the CBL scholarships program manager went unanswered.

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