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Teddy Riley Discusses His Child Support and Custody Battle After Revealing That He Hasn’t Seen His Eldest Son in Three Years

Teddy Riley, the legendary music producer, previously revealed to millions of fans on Instagram that he hadn’t seen his kid in three years. Riley is now opening up about the terrible scenario on the latest episode of Red Table Talk.

The two-time Grammy winner discusses custody and child support for his kid, hosted by Jada Pinkett Smith, Willow Smith, and Adrienne Banfield-Norris. Riley explained, “I’m just hearing from so many different people that his mom’s purpose is to keep him away from me.” “It hurts a lot since this is someone I really wanted to marry and I gave everything to.”

According to the Psychiatric Times, nearly 22 million adults in the United States have been victims of parental alienation. Tanika Ray Explains Her Mother’s Trauma of ‘Never’ Hearing I Love You. Riley recalls meeting his biological father when he was nine years old and telling himself that he never wanted to be like his father.

“I need to shift the narrative and be present in all of my children’s lives,” he continues. Mykal’s mother, according to the 54-year-old, does not want her son to develop relationships with his siblings. Riley also claims that his son’s mother devised a contract that avoided the use of the courts.

“We have a co-parenting contract, and I followed that contract,” he explains before going over the arrangement’s provisions. “[The deal] is one-sided because I gave her bodily custody in the contract without reading it.” I simply said, ‘You do it.’ You should manage it because she used to work for my accountant and knew everything.”

Now, it’s a co-parenting arrangement where I pay this much and we share statements,” he explains. Then she explained that after he enters first grade, the contract is reduced by half.”She went to court when it went down half,” he admits. “She basically wanted to get over the contract and go for the gusto.”

Riley continues by saying that he does not want to speak poorly of her. There’s one thing I don’t want to do,” he continues. “There will be a time when I will see him because I will give everything to see my son.”

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