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Why a Texas Lady Killed a Pregnant Mother to Bear Her Baby

 On Monday, a woman in the state of Texas was found guilty of capital murder for the killing of a pregnant lady and the removal of the woman’s unborn child from her womb two years earlier.

In October of 2020, a jury convicted Taylor Rene Parker, 29, guilty of the horrible murders of Reagan Micelle Simmons-Hancock, 21, and her baby daughter in the house they shared in New Boston. The murders took place in October.

Taylor Rene Parker, 29, was found guilty by a jury in Bowie County, located in northeast Texas, of the October 2020 murder of Reagan Michelle Simmons-Hancock, 21, and the abduction of the daughter who was cut from her mother’s womb and later died. The jury deliberated for about an hour before reaching their verdict.

It was alleged by the prosecution that Parker, who had pretended to be pregnant for almost ten months, smashed Simmons-head Hancock’s in with a hammer, cut and stabbed her more than one hundred times, and then removed Simmons-unborn Hancock’s baby from her womb using a scalpel while Simmons-3-year-old Hancock’s daughter was present in the house. Parker had faked her pregnancy for nearly ten months.

Although the infant girl eventually passed away, the defense team maintained that she had never been alive and attempted to have the abduction allegation dismissed. If they had been successful, the capital murder charge would have been reduced to murder.

Parker, who was unable to conceive after having a hysterectomy, had conducted an extensive study on how to fake a pregnancy and viewed multiple films on delivering infants prematurely at 35 weeks, which was the number of weeks pregnant Simmons-Hancock was when she was slain.

In the months preceding up to Simmons-murder, Hanock had pretended to be pregnant, faked ultrasounds, blogged about her “pregnancy” on social media, and even had a gender reveal for her make-believe child. She had also written about her “pregnancy” on social media.

It was stated by the prosecution that she concocted the complex fabrication to protect her relationship with her lover and that she informed him she would be coerced into giving birth on the day of the murder.

Assistant District Attorney Lauren Richards told the jury that the evidence has “never been more apparent” than it is right now, referring to the previous two weeks. She is a manipulator and a liar, and now she is going to be held accountable for what she has done.

Texas lady killed a pregnant mother
Texas lady killed a pregnant mother

During her closing argument, Ms. Richards reminded the jury that the young mother had suffered at least five strikes to the head, each of which was delivered with such severity that they caused her skull to collapse in on her brain.

Richards described the anguish that Reagan must have had as being incomprehensible, saying that it occurred when Taylor began slashing her abdomen from hip to hip. “Taylor didn’t start slashing and cutting until she delivered the kid, and Reagan was still alive at the time. She can’t let her live.

It was not a speedy end for her. She did nothing except continue to stab her. I suppose that Reagan would not pass away quickly enough for Taylor to get out of there and continue with her goals.

In this particular instance, the prosecution is seeking the death penalty for the defendant. During the sentencing phase of the trial, which is slated to begin on October 12, the jury will deliberate on whether or not to sentence Parker to death or life in prison without the possibility of release.

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