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Will Tom Brady’s Divorce Affect His Buccaneers Future?

According to a report that was released today by a Tom Brady business affiliate, the well-known Brady pair appears to be heading toward divorce. It was reported by the New York Post, which is owned by FOX, the firm that will hire Tom Brady after his playing career in football is over to work as a game announcer and network ambassador for the corporation.

It is simple to refer to the Post as a “sleazy tabloid;” nevertheless, it is not even close to being a total freakshow, and it is owned by folks who are cozy with Brady. According to the story, Brady and his wife Gisele have separately retained separate legal counsel and will soon begin the process of dividing up their assets.

The only thing that Joe cares about around here is Buccaneers football. And Joe can’t help but wonder if the fact that Brady is a single guy could encourage him to continue playing beyond the 2022 season. He has stated on multiple occasions that his soon-to-be-former wife does not want him to continue playing football.

Tom Brady's Divorce

It’s unfortunate, but Joe’s stomach just isn’t prepared for the era of Kyle Trask, Blaine Gabbert, or Andy Dalton. Therefore, Joe takes a keen interest in anything and everything that might have an impact on Brady’s future. Tom Brady hasn’t missed a game in 20 years, but that could soon change. Brady helped Tampa tie the NFC Divisional game against the Rams at 27 before succumbing to a walk-off field goal.

The setback raised worries about Brady’s future in Tampa, where he’s due $25 million next season. Brady was noncommittal regarding his future after the game. Some weren’t convinced. Brady reiterated his views Monday on the Let’s Go! podcast with Jim Gray, when he discussed this season, the future, and his goals.

Brady stated he’ll spend time with his family and take his time deciding what’s next. “There’s no rush to decide the next steps. Brady answered, “We’ll see.” “We can all relax after six months of football. Now I can relax with my family and kids.

Brady’s family helped him through the Bucs’ injury-plagued and loss-filled season. “I love playing football. “I also enjoy not playing football,” he stated. As I’ve gotten older, football has become more important to me. I care about what we’re trying to accomplish as a team and about my teammates. Now that I’m older, I also care about my kids.

Brady would have rather lost than not played. Brady: “I’d rather lose than not play.” Even though losing hurts, I’d rather be in the arena than not. Brady values playing, but he also values playing well. “Every year, I must be able to commit to what the team requires. The team deserves my best. If I’m not committed or can’t play at a championship level, someone else should play.

This year was different. Brady, 44, topped the NFL in completions, yards, and touchdowns. It’s the first time he’s led in throwing touchdowns since 2015 with the Patriots. Brady may retire quietly next season, citing a farewell tour as ‘distracting.’ He said he derives joy from competition, not legacy or past triumphs. His squad went 13-4 with the league’s second-best offenses. Winning is great. At this point in his career, Brady doesn’t care.

“Growing older makes games a relief. Instead of exhilaration, they’re relief. “Defeats hurt for a while,” he remarked. “I’m proud of what we achieved this year. When I give my everything, I’m proud. I’ve given it my all this, last, and the year before. I do everything well.” Brady has responsibilities outside of football. Fulfilling such obligations could be the deciding factor in Brady’s decision to return.

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