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Two Phoenix Police Officers Went Against the Rules Consider What They Had to Deal With

On Monday, personal injury lawyers appeared on television again to express their harsh criticism of two Phoenix police officers who were shown on camera kicking a guy and poking him with their rifle barrels inside a West Valley convenience store.

Tom Ryan, a familiar face, speaks on camera and declares, “As a citizen and a lawyer, I’ve seen many disturbing things,” before I could even begin to understand the plot. In terms of police wrongdoing, this video was in the top 1% of all those I’ve seen.

Do you get it? the top 1 percent of wrongdoing. I was startled beyond belief that Tom Ryan would say such a thing about Phoenix police officers as I listened to the news report. The pictures portray a bloody story. The video is truthful. The police treat the man harshly.

Late on Thursday night, he is lying on his stomach on the floor of a QuikTrip along 59th Avenue and Buckeye Road. His head and back are being rammed by the barrels of two policemen’s weapons, which are probably loaded.

He is also being kicked in the back and head. With the soles of their shoes, the majority of kicks are more like shoves. However, when the guy later tries to turn over while being restrained, one cop does wound up and kicks him.

Following is how 3 TV and CBS 5 covered the story. “According to Phoenix Police, the incident started when this man fired bullets at a patrol car that had officers inside, one of which struck the vehicle. The man then entered the convenience store where customers were present.

“A bullet impacted the car’s headlamp, penetrating through the driver’s side at head height, while the second bullet hit the ground,” Arizona Republic journalist Jose R. Gonzalez stated. He opened fire on the police before running armed toward other people.

In conclusion, the alleged gunman opened fire on Phoenix police officers from a close distance before entering a store that had customers inside and turning the scenario into an active shooter situation. That has to rank among the top, say 10%, of the cruelest and most brazen crimes committed in this Valley.

Alternatively, the DOJ inquiry might result in Phoenix having poor governance. Consider yourself lucky if you survive the day if you shoot at police officers and then take your pistol inside a store with customers inside.

I probably don’t need to explain how potentially harmful a gunshot fired at a police officer could be. A bullet can kill an officer by passing through his skull and brain. He could become permanently paralyzed if it fractures his spinal column. Other people may get hit if it misses.

Whatever the case, it’s certain to elicit a strong response. The same goes for someone running into a business with the same pistol with which they’ve just demonstrated their willingness to shoot real beings.

They didn’t respond “by the book,” no. The Phoenix Police Chief claims that what you are about to see in this video is not how they teach their officers and does not correspond with their departmental ideals, according to the 3 TV/CBS 5 reporter who is introducing the video. The chief has now launched both an administrative and a criminal probe.

Unless the academy is currently shooting live rounds at trainees’ heads, I’m positive that’s not how Phoenix police officers are trained. There is no way to predict how well you’ll perform in warfare, as American soldiers are well aware unless you actually find yourself in a combat situation.

Where’s the f—-ing gun? one cop yells at the beginning of the QuikTrip footage. Therefore, it’s likely that when they first start kicking and poking the suspect, they’re worried that he still has the pistol hidden on his person.

However, they are unable to swiftly overcome their worry and nervousness after handcuffing the man. Adrenaline is released. The feelings are really sharp. The harsh things keep on. The man looks like he has been cut. The ground is covered in blood splatters. Then, after receiving medical attention, he was transferred to jail.

The book serves to shield officers from doing things that could put them and the department in legal jeopardy as well as the general public. However, the book never has to flee from danger. It does not bleed. Although it sounds great in theory, an officer who has narrowly avoided death can’t let his nerves rest.

We also give them some leeway since we are aware that part of their tasks entails handling the turmoil of our meanest streets. People who serve on juries to judge police officers frequently comprehend that mistakes will be made by officers in high-stress circumstances.

Some of those errors are simply unacceptable. One thinks about George Floyd. However, considering the nature of the peril they faced, many are understandable. The boundaries of wrongdoing are not always clear.
As citizens, we can relate since we are all fallible. We are aware that the pressures that police officers work under would severely test our own ability to avoid mistakes.

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