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A Us Citizen Who Oversaw an Isis Battalion Was Given a 20-year Sentence

A US citizen who oversaw an ISIS battalion was given a 20-year sentence. On behalf of ISIS, Allison Fluke-Ekren trained more than 100 women and young girls for the military in Syria while also engaging in a number of other terrorist activities.

In the Eastern District of Virginia, a citizen of the United States was today given a 20-year prison term for organizing and commanding an all-female military battalion in Syria on behalf of the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS), a group that has been designated as a foreign terrorist organization.

Court records show that Allison Fluke-Ekren, also known as Allison Ekren, also known as Umm Mohammed al-Amriki, and also known as Umm Mohammed, 42, a former resident of Kansas, traveled abroad and committed terrorist acts in a number of nations, including Syria, Libya, and Iraq, between approximately September 2011 and approximately May 2019.

In the end, Fluke-Ekren worked as the commander and planner of the Khatib Nusaybah, an ISIS military battalion where she instructed women in the use of grenades, suicide belts, and automatic AK-47 assault weapons. In Syria, Fluke-Ekren provided military instruction to over 100 women and young girls, some of whom were as young as 10 years old, on behalf of ISIS.

The Court added two separate letters written by Fluke-adult Ekren’s son and adult daughter, who both wrote about being abused by Fluke-Ekren while they were children, to the record during the sentencing hearing. The abuse started in Kansas and continued overseas.

The government also played audio recordings of phone conversations between Fluke-Ekren and her daughter from January 2021, during which she advised her to delete messages they had exchanged in order for Fluke-Ekren to be able to keep eluding capture in Syria and urged her daughter to return to Syria rather than stay in the United States.

Fluke-adult Ekren’s daughter also gave a victim impact statement in court today, outlining the horrible cruelty Fluke-Ekren committed upon her in Syria, including pressuring her to wed an ISIS fighter who subsequently raped her when she was just 13 years old.

Additionally, Fluke-adult Ekren’s son testified in court, revealing her attempts to persuade him to leave the country and go to Syria in order to stop him from approaching police with any evidence that may implicate her. Fluke-Ekren went to Egypt with her second husband, a now-deceased former member of the terrorist group Ansar al-Sharia, sometime in or around 2008. Fluke-Ekren lived in Egypt up until about 2011 when she relocated to Libya.

Fluke-Ekren lived in Benghazi, Libya, near the end of 2011, together with her second husband and other others. After the terrorist attack on the CIA Annex and U.S. Special Mission in Benghazi on September 11, 2012, Fluke-second Ekren’s husband asserted that he had taken at least one package of papers and at least one electronic device out of the American facility there.

He transported the stuff to the house where he was then living with Fluke-Ekren and others. Fluke-Ekren helped her second husband go over and summarise the information in the documents that had been stolen from the US government. The summary that Fluke-Ekren assisted in composing was given to the Ansar al-Sharia leadership in Benghazi along with the electronic equipment and documents that had been taken.

Fluke-Ekren, her second husband, and others flew from Libya to Turkey in late 2012 or early 2013. They left Turkey shortly after and went to Syria. After around six weeks, Fluke-Ekren left Syria and went back to Turkey with her second husband.

The second husband of Fluke-Ekren rose through the ranks of ISIS to become the “emir” (head) of ISIS snipers in Syria. Fluke-Ekren and others were smuggled back into Syria sometime in the middle of 2014. Fluke-Ekren disclosed to a witness that she wanted to carry out an assault in the US when she was living in Syria.

Fluke-Ekren described how she could carry out the attack by traveling to a mall in the United States, putting a vehicle loaded with explosives in the basement or garage level of the building, then setting off the explosives in the vehicle using a cell phone-triggering device.

Also mentioned by Fluke-Ekren was learning how to construct explosives and bombs. Fluke-Ekren said that she believed any attack that did not kill a significant number of people was a waste of precious resources. When Fluke-Ekren learned of external assaults occurring in other nations, she would remark that she hoped the assault had taken place on American territory.

ISIS leaders transported a female fighter from Central America to Ablah, Syria in 2014, where she spent roughly 18 days living in a house next to Fluke-Ekren. This witness repeatedly paid Fluke-Ekren a visit at her home in Syria. Fluke-Ekren outlined plans for an explosives-based attack on the campus of a Midwest-based U.S. college during those visits.

Fluke-Ekren, her second husband, and others relocated from Syria to Mosul, Iraq, sometime in or around 2015, where they spent some time living in an ISIS-controlled complex inside the University of Mosul. Fluke-Ekren spoke with ISIS staff members who were in charge of the homes for widowed women whose husbands had died while supporting ISIS when she got to Mosul. Fluke-Ekren helped the ISIS staff by offering suggestions for how the residences needed to operate.

The project to open a women’s center in Raqqa, Syria, was led and coordinated by Fluke-Ekren sometime in or around mid-2016. In order to start the Center, Fluke-Ekren received approval from the “Wali,” the mayor of Raqqa installed by ISIS. There, Fluke-Ekren and other people offered childcare, various training, medical care, information about the Islamic State, and other services to women and young girls.

Fluke-Ekren, who served as the center’s director, also helped other female ISIS militants educate a large number of women and young girls on how to use automatic AK-47 assault weapons, grenades, and explosive suicide belts.

The ISIS “Wali” of Raqqa authorized the formation of the “Khatib Nusaybah” in late 2016 or early 2017, a military battalion made up entirely of female ISIS soldiers. Around February 2017, The Khatib Nusaybah started carrying out its terrorist organization’s business.

As the commander and planner of the Khatib Nusaybah battalion, Fluke-major Ekren’s goal was to instruct female ISIS militants in self-defense against ISIS’s foes, including assisting male soldiers in defending ISIS-controlled Raqqa. In order to inspire her students, Fluke-Ekren described how female warriors could “help ISIS spread and to remain” by using weapons like automatic AK-47 assault rifles, grenades, and suicide belts filled with explosives.

Additionally, according to eyewitnesses with firsthand knowledge, the Khatib Nusaybah taught certain members how to prepare a “go bag” with firearms and other military supplies and how to train physically in martial arts, medicine, driving for VBIEDs, and ISIS theological lessons.

In 2018, Fluke-Ekren revealed to a different witness that she had given instructions to a person in Syria to convince one of her family members that Fluke-Ekren was dead so that the American government would not try to find her.

This same witness was told by Fluke-Ekren that it was crucial to support ISIS in Syria by beheading “kuffar” (unbelievers) and dying as a martyr’s death. From around January 8, 2011, until she was transported into custody and brought to the Eastern District of Virginia on January 28, 2022, Fluke-Ekren was outside the country.

Following the sentence being handed down by U.S. District Judge Leonie M. Brinkema, the announcement was made by U.S. Attorney Jessica D. Aber for the Eastern District of Virginia, Assistant Attorney General Matthew G. Olsen of the Justice Department’s National Security Division, and Assistant Director in Charge Steven M. D’Antuono of the FBI Washington Field Office.

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