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A Loxton Man Has Been Spared Jail For Possessing A Manifesto

As he handed down a sentence for owning a video and the manifesto of Christchurch terrorist Brenton Tarrant, a judge in South Australia warned the public not to turn a blind eye to ideological hatred and violence. Aidan Cooling, a resident of Riverland, has been charged with possessing terrorist literature.

The judge claimed that viewing the tape regarded the murders as entertainment. Aidan Kenneth Cooling, 28, of the Riverland town of Loxton, was found in possession of extreme material and was given a two-month and 24-day suspended sentence in full.

It demonstrates what may occur when ingrained ignorance, irrationality, xenophobia, and violent hatred are left unchecked and allowed to fester. It is damaging to view this movie and to be able to access it since doing so lessens the gravity of the murders.

According to Mr. Wells, the animosity that motivated Tarrant continues to exist. He claimed that last week, a group of guys who appeared to be neo-Nazis displayed Nazi or fascist salutes in front of Adelaide’s Holocaust Museum.”Ideological hatred and violence cannot be ignored.

Manifestos incite hatred

“Hate is real, hate is not abstract; persons who have videos of racially motivated killings are part of a larger, ongoing context. Deterrence in general is crucial. I must make it clear to the neighborhood that having extremist material is serious and will not be permitted.

Cooling would only be jailed for possessing the video and manifesto, according to Magistrate Wells, and not for the acts of others. In August 2021, police went to Cooling’s house to conduct a guns assessment before spotting Adolf Hitler reference volumes on a shelf.

Cooling told police that he had read Tarrant’s manifesto and had seen the Christchurch terrorist incident in which he killed 51 people in front of two mosques. A search of your computer found childish and fairly pitiful Nazi, anti-Semitic, and white supremacist photographs and memes, Wells claimed.

He wasn’t accused of having this information. Magistrate Wells remarked that Cooling was not a violent person, had renounced his prior racism, and expressed regret for his acts.

He concurred that Cooling was “interested” in Nazi artifacts and had a deep interest in politics and philosophy. The multicultural community in Loxton has denounced his ideas, the court has previously been informed.

Cooling Disavows Right-Wing Ideas

Cooling’s attorney, Jason Evitts, told the court that his client had grown since his incarceration and had encountered “social censure” from the multicultural Riverland community.

Consider your options before viewing the shooting live broadcast. The horrific video that the shooter at the mosque in Christchurch posted has gone viral.

What Role Do News Organizations Play In This


A police officer walking by with a weapon is talking on the phone to a man who is standing without a shirt. He stated, “He recognizes without question that the material discovered on his devices was wholly improper.

“He now categorically denies the ideologies, philosophies, cognitive processes, ideas, pictures, and intentions underlying the discovered memes. He has realized his error. He has been arrested and has faced social rejection in this small, interracial community.

A man outside a courthouse in a blue suit, sunglasses, and a face mask. An Australian from South had his sentence suspended for downloading the video of the Christchurch terror atrocity.

A balding man with a white shirt and a black suit jacket.Why you should be cautious before watching the live feed of the Christchurch shooting. A police officer walking by with a weapon is talking on the phone to a man who is standing without a shirt.

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