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Unbiased Viewpoint From a New Female She Had an Abortion With Herschel Walker’s Help

Gloria Allred was scheduled to present a lady to reporters on Wednesday who claims Georgia Senate candidate Herschel Walker transported her to an abortion facility. Walker is anti-abortion yet has been accused of paying for an abortion.

Jane Doe will speak Wednesday in Los Angeles, Allred said.

Allred stated the lady “said she had a loving, intimate connection with Herschel Walker and that he transported her to an abortion facility after she became pregnant”

Allred promised to release “part of Jane Doe’s evidence supporting her relationship with Mr. Walker” and claimed her client will read a statement to the media without revealing her identity or face. Allred has represented sexual assault and abuse victims.

The Georgia Senate race might decide control of the Senate in the 8 November midterms. Jon Ossoff gave Democrats the seats they needed to divide the Senate 50-50 and control it via Kamala Harris’ vote.

Martin Luther King preached at Warnock’s church. Walker is a former collegiate and NFL football player with a checkered business career and a mental illness past. Read more: Michael Jordan Divorce: is it true that her girlfriend liked his fame

abortion with Herschel Walker's help
abortion with Herschel Walker’s help

Democrats think the highest court abortion verdict would boost turnout as they seek the House and Senate.

Fivethirtyeight.com gave Warnock a 3-point lead until Allred’s intervention. Another lady says Walker paid for her 2009 abortion. Walker denied paying for the abortion, telling Hugh Hewitt, “Had that happened, I would have mentioned it. People have done it, but I don’t know. I’d be honest if I knew, but I don’t.

emocrat saboteurs, he says. After his first campaign address since the reports surfaced, he told reporters, “I know why you’re here.” “You’re here because the Democrats want to keep this seat and make it about my family.”

The same woman: He promoted a second abortion and did “nothing” for their kid.

Walker supports a comprehensive abortion ban, in accordance with Republican doctrine after the June supreme court verdict that banned abortion. Read more:Wisconsin man guilty of murdering 6 at Christmas parade with SUV

Walker assaulted Warnock, a Baptist preacher who supports abortion rights, at a debate earlier this month.

Things they’ve spoken about openly on this forum. If that’s the case, stay tuned to unitedfact.com, where we’ll post updates as soon as we have them. If that’s the case, bookmark unitedfact.com and check back often. A watch from unitedfact.com might be helpful in this case.

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