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Dr. Oz Believes That Women’s Abortion Decisions Should Involve “Local Political Leaders”

Over the past year, Dr. Mehmet Oz has given the people of Pennsylvania a laundry list of reasons not to elect him as their next US senator. These include his association with Donald Trump, his decision to mock a stroke victim, and his apparent lack of familiarity with the Keystone State. And they got another one last night during his only debate with John Fetterman.

Oz was asked if he agreed with the views of many Republicans that abortion in the United States should be prohibited. He said, “there should not be participation from the federal government,” but that the state and municipal levels should have a strong say. He remarked, “As a doctor, I’ve been in the room when very tough talks have been said.” I object to any involvement on the part of the federal government.

Allowing the democracy that has always made our country strong to put out the greatest ideas and let states make their own choices is what I want to see. I want women, physicians, and local political leaders to have a voice. That is to say, he believes “local political officials” should have input on one of the most personal and life-altering choices an individual may face.

Local Political Leaders
Local Political Leaders

If we ignore the fact that many state legislators are medically illiterate morons, like their federal government friends, who believe that “legitimate rape” may not result in pregnancy and that an ectopic pregnancy can be “reimplanted,” we can safely assume that Dr. Oz wasn’t inviting state senators and representatives into the room to weigh in on whether his patients should be allowed to have open-heart surgery. It’s funny how he always seems to want them just where women’s bodies already are. Read more: Wisconsin man guilty of murdering 6 at Christmas parade with SUV

In the past, Oz has called abortion “murder” regardless of when it occurs in pregnancy.

When asked his thoughts on abortion, Fetterman stated that he thinks it should be a “universal right for all women in America,” adding, “I believe abortion is health care, and I believe it is a choice that belongs with each woman and her doctor.” Read more: Unbiased Viewpoint From a New Female She Had an Abortion With Herschel Walker’s Help

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